“Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16 (KJV)
The book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus Christ, God’s son, is the supreme High Priest. This glorious truth begins a new discussion on the greatness and supremacy of Jesus Christ. He is the great High Priest, by far the greatest High Priest who has ever stood between God and man. The implication is unbelievable: as the great High priest, He is able to sympathize- to actually feel every experience that we experience- no matter how painful. Jesus Christ not only feels for us, He feels right along with us. He is our great sympathetic High Priest- the one who meets our every need and carries us through all the sufferings of this life. In scripture with us. He is our great sympathetic High Priest- the one who meets our every need and carries us through all the sufferings of this life. In scripture the word “grace’ refers to the favor and blessings of God, both spiritual and mate-rial. Grace is God’s unmerited favor. Hebrews 4:16 is about God’s grace. If we had to become good to become God’s children we would never be-come His children. We are not that good. Grace means that God forgives our sin because of HIS goodness not our own. It’s important that you do your best to obey God, but know that if and when you make a mistake God’s grace has you covered.
How could God care for man who is such a small part of a vast universe? How could He care for people who cursed, denied, ignored and rebelled against the Sovereign Lord of the universe? Because of Jesus Christ who is in the throne room of God, and is seated there as the Savior of the world; the Ideal and Perfect Man who sacrificed His life for the sins of the world. He is there pleading our case before God. And God listens to His Son. Whatever Jesus asks, the Father does. Jesus Christ is our representative, our intercessor, our great High Priest before God’s throne. He has turned the throne of God from a throne of judgment into a throne of grace. Therefore, “let us come boldly before the throne grace.” We have the right, so let us do it. Let us approach God through Jesus Christ, and God will do whatever we ask through Christ. God’s throne is now a throne of grace: it is now opened up for any person to approach, no matter how bad and terrible a life he has lived. God will receive him through Christ Jesus.
God will forgive our sins and have mercy upon us. We must come to the throne of grace and ask for mercy. We must acknowledge that mercy comes only through Christ Jesus. He and He alone knows our need for mercy. Jesus bore our sins and paid our penalty and condemnation. Only Jesus can represent us before God. Decide to walk in God’s grace. Expect favor and enjoy the life that only Jesus can give.